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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Testing the Patience of Your Health Care Proxy

I have an apology to make that indirectly has to do with waking up suddenly last night to find my wife holding a pillow just above my face.  Not that this hasn't happened before, it's a fairly regular occurrence, but she lacked her usual look of indecision and guilt, so after thinking it over I figured I had better address something brought up in my last post.  Readers should not get the impression that Susan and I don't enjoy watching some TV together.  In fact, ever since I went back to school this year and we cancelled cable for budgetary considerations, we probably watch more TV together than we used to.  For me though, it's mostly movies, and the occasional Rick "avert your eyes when I'm in the sauna"  Steves Travels Europe show (they once showed a gleaming black Volkswagen VR6 Corrado in the background of one shot and I've been watching every show ever since in the hopes of seeing it again- it's a LONG story).  Most of our viewing is downloaded from a Netflix instant viewing cue using a Roku, which was worth every penny of the $99 it cost.  For someone like me there is a pretty good selection.  I generally prefer films that should carry a disclaimer at the beginning  about potentially being rendered blind while viewing.  I prefer the desperate honesty of a really horrendous movie.  Whether it's: "Manos: Hands of Fate," "Track of the Moonbeast" or: "The Color Purple," I enjoy the escape into cinematic incoherence, shamelessly bad or mind-numbing dialogue, juvenile efforts at cinematography and community theater acting rejects who utterly lack shame.  If you feel the same way, please click on the Badmovie.org link for a real treat.  The key for me is that no matter how bad a movie is, it has an end, at some point, so I can get through it and be done (okay, okay I don't actually KNOW if GI Joe or the last installment of the Terminator franchise ended, for all I know they went on after the first ten minutes but for what reason and to what end is beyond me).  TV shows, especially episodic series string me along and I lose interest.  I watched the first episode of Lost and realized that I'd have to see episode after episode after episode and probably be disappointed ultimately- they wouldn't show a single Sleestak, nor would the cast stumble across an egg the size of a VW watched over by two, tiny Japanese women and realize suddenly that they had landed on Monster Island.  Susan has the patience for that though, she gets wrapped up in character development whereas my misanthropism gets in the way pretty quickly.  I have to give her quite a bit of credit for putting up with me while watching anything.  She used to let me sit in the room during Gilmore Girls until I started putting my fingers in my ears, closing my eyes and humming the Alka-Selzer theme song anytime Rory and Jess were together.  Finally, she had the good sense to banish me from the room during viewing.  The point of all this is that she does watch some good shows, and we do enjoy some together.  In fact we will probably start watching the second season of Blood Plus (an anime series) tonight.  That is we will if I don't drift off on the couch after finishing a Partnership Agreement I'm working on and she doesn't decide to put me out of her misery once and for all.  I'll bet if that happened the mystery of who has been eating her pre-packed lunches sometime before she wakes up in the morning will be solved once and for all.    


  1. hey bill,
    I dont agree with your comment about gilmore girls becuase it is a great show you nut! I hope all is well
    ps netflicks rocks!

  2. I sorta liked it, but every time Rory made a poor decision about men, I grumbled something like: "when I'M a father I am going to be cleaning my shotgun everytime my daughter brings a date home." For Susan, that spiel got old fast, so I wasn't allowed to watch anymore.

  3. gilmore girls is awesome so is netflix

  4. Hey bill I see your ponit. Yes your right she shouldn't have dated jess that was a dum dission on her part. you will make a great dad. and only use the shotgun if they don't treat her with respect.

  5. While "The Color Purple" might contain mind numbing dialog (and all the other qualities you list), do you really think it's nearly as entertaining as "Manos: Hands of Fate" or "Track of the Moonbeast"? I personally haven't seen it, but do recall it was accompanied with quite a bit of pretension when released.

  6. I just threw that in there to cause trouble. Of course "Track of the Moonbeast" is a MUCH better movie, as is "Manos." I actually saw purple in the theater, and with the exception of Danny Glover being shaved with a straight razor (the movie had a chance to be good during that scene but missed), there is really nothing that I remember about it, other than I don't want to see it again. I've actually never seen "Moonbeast" unedited- the attack on the campers must have had some cool gruesome sequences.
